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Morning Bins / Morning Tubs / Morning Work /Anytime of the Day Work!
Get ready to revolutionize your morning routines with Morning Bins The Bundle!
What are Morning Tubs / Bins?
Morning Bins provide a hands-on option to morning work and can turn those busy, hectic mornings into meaningful and independent practice! These play based tubs / bins are the perfect way to wake up those little minds!
No grading, no pressure, just fun and engaging practice!
⭐ What are the benefits of Morning Tubs / Bins? ⭐
The benefits of morning bins are endless!
- They are hands-on and engaging
- They provide meaningful practice for basic skills
- Students have opportunities to work on fine motor skills
- They provide group and social interaction
- Open-ended practice
- Alternative to pencil/paper work
- They provide extra practice for previously taught skills
- Most importantly…they make learning FUN!
⭐What included in the Bundle?⭐
Each monthly theme will include 21 skills. The monthly skills stay the same throughout the months, but the activities change to provide students with more challenging activities.
- 189 Morning Bin activities
- Color AND Black and White Version Included!
- Simplified Student Direction Cards
- Material List for each bin
- Morning Bin Rules Poster
- Labels for Bins (2 options)
- Teacher Progress Monitoring Sheet
- Some bins included accountably sheets, if you choose to use them
⭐Skills included in the Morning Bins:⭐
- Vocabulary- Read the vocabulary words, sort them into groups and explain why they are sorted that way
- Word Use- Read the words in a set and place them in order according to the degree of their meaning
- Phonemic Awareness and Phonics- Read the words and find a picture that completes the puzzle
- Writing Conventions- Read a word and decide if it needs a capital letter or not
- Spelling Conventions- Read the word and decide if the underlined letters for a blend or digraph
- Text- Decide if the text is fiction or non-fiction and sort it on the mat
- Sentences and Paragraphs- Unscramble the sentence, write it and find the picture that matches
- Parts of Speech- Read a word and decide if it is a noun, verb or adjective
- Writing- Read the topic and write a fact and opinion about it
- Logic and Critical Thinking- Turn, read and find the matching words to complete the puzzle
- Addition and Subtraction- Read the word problem, draw a picture and write an equation to match
- Math Fluency- Sort the problems to the correct sum or difference
- Multiplication Foundations- Divide the counters into equal groups and write how many are in each group
- Place Value- Read the number, and write one less, one more, ten less and ten more
- Counting and Skip Counting within 1,000- Read the number and fill in the blank boxed to match the section on the 120 chart
- Measurement and Estimation- Number the items from 1-5 to show the order of length from longest to shortest
- Time and Money- Add up coins to find the value, then find the card with the matching value
- Data and Graphing- Read the list of items, tally them up and graph them on the chart
- Shapes and Fractions- Find the name and matching attributes for each 2D shape
- Critical Thinking- Observe the patterns of the lines then draw the lines on the next shape to continue the pattern
- Social/Emotional- Take turns spinning and emotion with a partner then tell a time when they felt that emotion
*Please note that this is a downloaded pdf file. No physical product will be sent to you.
⭐More Questions?⭐
Feel free to email me at [email protected]
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